In the spirit of philanthropy that was demonstrated by Emma Andrews over one hundred years ago, the library has been providing scholarships since 2008.

Newburyport residents who are graduating from high school are eligible for scholarships. 

To advance Education, Library Science, and English.

The scholarships are intended for college-bound students who have expressed an interest in pursuing a college course of study in Education, Library Science, or English.

Cookie Walk and Craft Fair Fundraiser

The Cookie Walk and Craft Fair is our annual fundraiser for our scholarship fund. It takes place on the 1st Saturday in December at the People's United Methodist Church at 64 Purchase Street. Donations are gladly excepted to our fund.

In the Spring of 2013 two scholarships were awarded, in the amount of $1,000 each. Newburyport High School graduates Christian Farren and Rebecca Blaustein were the recipients of the 2013 Emma L. Andrews Library Scholarships.

Newburyport High School Guidance Office

Interested students will find the Emma L. Andrews Library Scholarship application listed in the scholarship package made available by the Newburyport High School Guidance Office each Spring.

Show your support by helping the Emma today.